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There’s a way for you to help us improve and save lives with a special gift arrangement that benefits you while you help others. A Charitable Gift Annuity is one of the most popular and simple giving opportunities that will pay you income for life in exchange for your gift.

Establishing a charitable gift annuity with the 美国心脏协会 allows you to provide a gift today with the peace of mind that you will receive dependable income for your lifetime. 有很多方法可以为慈善捐赠年金提供资金, 如果你符合年龄要求,包括从你的IRA资产中提取. Depending on how you fund your gift, you can also qualify for a variety of tax benefits.

在向你支付终身付款之后, the remaining funds go to the 美国心脏协会 in support of our lifesaving mission. It’s a tax-savvy way to increase your financial security during your lifetime and make a big impact on the future of heart health.


  • 用你的礼物换取一两个人终身的固定报酬.
  • A portion of the income received may be tax-free as well as provide a current income tax deduction.
  • You may be able to fund a gift annuity tax-free using a qualified minimum distribution from your IRA, 哪一种方法可以降低你的所得税负担.
  • If funded with appreciated securities, you may be able to lower or defer capital gains tax.
  • You may be able to defer payments until a later date, such as when you reach retirement.
  • Have the satisfaction of making a gift now that benefits you and supports our lifesaving mission.

How It Works

  1. Donate.
    • Transfer cash, securities, or other assets such as funds from an individual retirement account (IRA).

  2. 收到固定收益付款.
    • Receive fixed payments at a guaranteed rate for your lifetime, or the lifetime of two beneficiaries.
    • The rate depends on the age of the beneficiary(ies) and is usually higher than dividends, CDs, 或者储蓄账户.
    • Part of the income may be tax-free, and you may also qualify for a charitable tax deduction.

  3. 产生重大影响.
    • 当受益人的生命期结束时, the remainder of the annuity goes to the 美国心脏协会 in support of our lifesaving mission.

图1. 你的资产礼物. 2. 固定收入/潜在所得税扣除还给你. 3. 余额转移到AHA.


Meet Anita and learn how you can receive benefits and honor loved ones while helping provide more of life’s precious moments. Anita generously supports the 美国心脏协会 through special arrangements that provide her with tax benefits and income in return.


Just like a standard charitable gift annuity you can support our fight against heart diseases and stroke, 确保你未来的财务状况, 立即获得税收减免, 并获得终身固定收入. But, with a deferred gift annuity you start receiving fixed payments at a set date later in life. Delaying payments until a later date allows for you to benefit from higher rates of return that continue to increase the longer you defer them.



See how a charitable gift annuity can benefit you and the 美国心脏协会.


Find out more about the kind of financial and tax benefits you’ll receive when you make a gift to the 美国心脏协会. Complete a brief form and receive a personalized illustration to show you how to achieve your financial and charitable goals.


遗产IRA法案,作为安全法案的一部分.综合拨款法案第0条, 在2023年12月通过的法案, 为70岁半的捐赠者创造新的慈善捐赠计划机会.

遗产IRA法案 expanded the definition of qualified charitable distributions to include certain distributions to create life income gifts, specifically charitable gift annuities (CGA) and charitable remainder trusts (CRT).

该法案允许个人退休账户持有人一次性分配至多50美元,000美元用于慈善捐赠年金或慈善剩余信托. 虽然它并不局限于单一的礼物, it must be completed in a single year and only once during the lifetime of the IRA owner.


尽管比尔·基根和他妹妹, Lois, 住在拉斯维加斯, they are not willing to take a gamble with what happens to their life savings once they have passed. The siblings, 谁更像最好的朋友, 没有自然继承人,他们知道他们需要想出一个游戏计划. After each making sizable profits on the sale of their homes in other states and seeing profitable returns on many stocks they owned, 把一部分钱捐给慈善机构似乎是一个合乎逻辑的选择. 比尔每周都去保龄球馆, 他的朋友们问他和露易丝为什么要把钱捐出去. “我们对慈善事业很有信心,”比尔说. 比尔说:“为什么不在我们活着的时候,看到我们正在产生的影响,就去捐赠呢?.

这对兄弟姐妹多年来向许多非营利组织捐款, but the 美国心脏协会 is the first and only so far that they have supported through a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA), 为个人提供固定终身收入的礼物. As adults, Bill and Lois experienced heart disease directly as their father suffered multiple heart attacks and strokes before he eventually passed from a heart attack in his sleep. 洛伊斯是第一个开始向美国心脏协会捐款的人, 感觉与任务有一种自然的联系, 最终把比尔也牵扯进来. Their support had been primarily through cash donations until Bill decided to cash in several stock accounts he held to create their CGAs. “We’re no longer on a budget,” Bill said of the payments they now receive from the CGAs. “我们不必太担心通货膨胀,我们的生活方式很舒适.“这要归功于CGAs创造的终身收入, Bill and Lois know they will live the remainder of their lives not worrying about money, and with the satisfaction that they are making a difference for the causes they champion.


The 美国心脏协会 has professionals available who can assist you in your charitable and estate planning without cost or obligation. 今天致电888-2227-5242与我们联系,我们将很乐意为您提供帮助.
